Building a Community-Led, Climate-Forward Economy

California Jobs First invests in key sectors to drive sustainable economic growth, innovation, and access to good-paying jobs.

How We Got Here

This first-of-its-kind investment into a bottom-up economic development strategy has empowered regions across California to bring together a diverse set of community members to craft their own, localized economic visions.

Regional Collaboratives

Residents & Experts Engaged

Investment through the Regional Investment Initiative to Date
gif of various California workers

California State
Economic Blueprint

Built from the foundations of the 13 regional plans, this Blueprint identifies the strategic sectors and strategies that best position the State of California to help create, attract, and increase access to good-paying jobs.

California’s Strategic Sectors:


Sectors where California has an established competitive position and/or significant employment, but where there is leveling growth or wages.

Sector Charts Strengthen


Sectors with moderate to high projected growth that are ready for expansion, where additional investments (e.g., capital, infrastructure) could “bend the curve” to generate growth.

Sector Charts Accelerate


Emerging sectors with significant investment or high strategic importance to the innovation ecosystem.

Sector Charts Bet


Regional anchors that are critical for attracting and supporting industry activities while often providing quality, good-paying jobs within local communities.

Sector Charts Anchor

California’s 13 Jobs First Regions

With support from the state, each regional collaborative developed research-backed and community-led strategies for how to grow their local economy in ways that benefit all their residents.

Regional Map

Latest News 

Feb. 26, 2025

California announces statewide plan for economic growth

Governor Newsom releases California Jobs First Economic Blueprint alongside new funding to support Los Angeles businesses and workers

Gavin Newsom
Gavin Newsom

Feb. 26, 2025

California announces statewide plan for economic growth

Governor Newsom releases California Jobs First Economic Blueprint alongside new funding to support Los Angeles businesses and workers

California Jobs First Council

In March 2024, the Newsom Administration launched the California Jobs First Council, bringing together nine state agencies to develop and implement a comprehensive approach to advancing California’s economy.

GO-Biz logo

Co-Chair: Governor’s Office of Business & Economic Development (GO-Biz)

Labor Workforce & Development Agency logo

Co-Chair: Labor & Workforce Development Agency (LWDA)

CDFA logo

California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA)

CalVET logo

California Department of Veterans Affairs (CalVet)


California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA)

CalHHS logo

California Health and Human Services Agency (CalHHS)

CNRA logo

California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA)

CPUC logo

California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC)

LCI logo

Governor’s Office of Land Use & Innovation (LCI)

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